I\’m super Excited

Customer Secret #3

Like Pavlov’s dog, that salivated when the dinner bell was rung, my spidy-senses become alert when I hear someone say a phrase that begins with the words: “I’m super excited… “ For example, I listen to a lot of podcasts, and this phrase is often expressed by the guest at the beginning as they say to the host: “I’m super excited to be talking to you today.”

The phrase, while common, is most likely to be uttered by a person from a specific personality temperament. So when I hear the phrase, I am immediately triggered to begin the process of typing (classifying) the person’s personality temperament. Furthermore, the phrase is a strong clue that the person expressing it is of the Warrior personality temperament.

The Warrior temperament, is the name that I assign to people that in the Myers-Briggs system would have the Sensing-Perceiving (SP) preferences. If you are familiar with the D.I.S.C. personality system, you would put them into the “Influencer” (“I”) category.

I type people extremely fast because I’ve been studying Personality for a long period of time. Once I have a person typed, I start to mentally file away the funny phrases that they say in everyday conversation. I compare those phrases to the ones that others in their same personality temperament say, in order to figure out if there is a pattern. This phrase (\”I\’m super excited\”) is one of those quirky little patterns that I’ve discovered. While anyone can say the phrase, I find that a significantly majority of the time, more than 70%, the person saying it was of the Warrior personality temperament.

Why should you care which personality temperament a person is? Because people within the same personality temperament have very similar values. You might call these values their guiding principles. These principles set the beliefs that they operate by, and what type of decisions they are likely to make.

Once you know a person’s personality temperament, it is a trivial task to look up their guiding principles from a chart. And then you can use those values to persuade them much easier.

The phrase “I’m super excited” is a quick reveal that almost immediately indicates a person is a Warrior. You don’t have to invest a lot of time trying to figure out which temperament they are in, and that will save you an incredible amount to time in the sales process.

So when I hear the sentence that begins with the words: “I’m super excite…” I almost get giddy. They aren’t regular excited… they are “SUPER” excited. And they just revealed to me in a split second that they are highly likely to be of the Warrior temperament.

This is the first time I’ve revealed this customer secret. If you’d like to discover more quick tells of people that reveal their temperament, be sure to follow me or come to my website www.customersecrets.com. 

If you’d like to learn what your customer values and how to type their personality temperament, be sure to check out my course on Easy Selling Using Personality. It will show you both how to type people, and what to do with that information in order to persuade them. It comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by getting it today.


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