Personality and Values are Directly Linked!
This is by far one of the most important secrets you’ll discover about your customers. What does it mean that personality and values are linked, and why is this so important?
As sales people, we need to know what a customer values. It is the reason that they buy anything. For example, if you want a to buy a car, a common question a sales person might ask you is: “What do you look for when you buy a car?” That is what is called a values solicitation question. It is asked to find out what is important to you — what do you value?

But what if you already knew ahead of time what the customer valued? Do you think it would change the way you made your sales presentation?
Obviously it would. Right? For starters, you wouldn’t be wasting precious time asking those pesky values solicitation questions. You’d jump right into the part of the presentation where you were revealing to the customer how your product/service aligns with what they are looking. You will be setting up a situation where it seems like you’re reading their mind.
How do you know ahead of time what your customer values? Say you are selling face-to-face, and you don’t have time to do extensive research on your customer. How do you know?
If you’ve been told that you can’t know what they value, because everyone is unique and different, and you have to ask questions; then you’ve not been taught the whole truth.
The secret is that people that have a similar personality temperament have similar values.
This one statement reduces the process of determining what a person values to just being able to type (or classify) their personality temperament.
Because once you know which personality temperament category that they are in, it is a simple matter of going to a look-up table and reading off a list of values that the customer holds.
This one customer secret changes everything about persuasion and sales. It certainly changed my life, because now I could join the conversation that was already going on in the mind of my customers. They don’t have to be beat down with a thousand tiring questions about what they look for when buying a product like the one I’m selling. I already know what they value because I’ve typed their personality, and that makes the process of sales much shorter and a lot more comfortable for the customer.
If you’d like to learn what your customer values and how to type their personality temperament, come visit my customersecrets website today. Get the free chart that links each of the four personality temperaments with their common values. This will allow you to start making sales faster in a way that is truly customer centric because you’re giving them exactly their own reasons for buying your products or services.