Easy Selling Using Personality Type
I think I know why you’re still looking for a course on how to persuade your prospects to take advantage of your offer. The problem with most courses is that they are too “strategic.” They paint the situation in very broad terms, and then leave it up to you to figure out the nuances of exactly how to implement it. You’ve been left on your own, without any real direction on what to do next.
I’ve felt that same frustration. And more than that, what they want you to do is exactly opposite of what customers want. In all the persuasion course I’ve taken, they teach some variation of how to ask great questions. But that is NOT what your customers want. They don’t want salespeople pestering them with questions. They just want them to read their mind, and give them what they want.
Is it about mind reading?
This course is NOT about mind reading. But it is the next closest thing; it is about reading the customers “values.” And these values are what they use to make any decision. So from the customer’s perspective, they will feel like they know you when you guide them by aligning with the values they already hold.
The tool we’ll use to make this deep connection to our prospects, is personality temperament. The reason for this tool is extremely important, and which is not covered in any other course. You’ll see that there is a direct link between personality and the values they use to make a decision. When you are able to read a person’s personality, you’re able to then easily go to a chart and simply look up the common values of people with that personality type.
From there, you have a roadmap of what to talk about with your customers. Just talk about and show that your offer aligns with what they value. That leads to a comfortable conversion where the easily say yes to your offer.
What’s in This Course?
This first part starts with a detailed explanation of why we’re going to use the tool of personality. We’re going to the inner core of what someone desires, not just the surface level of personality, which is know as “behavior.” Other courses talk about behavior, and those are so incomplete when it comes to “why” a person makes the decision to say yes to a proposal. We have to know their deep core values. Our goal is that we’ll know them better than they know themselves. It is reading people like a book.
The next topic is to provide a basic foundation of how a personality is determined. We’ll use the four dimensions of decision making, and describe the preferences in each dimension that people use. We’ll compare this to the Myers Briggs system, and how it creates 16 different personality types.
But dealing with 16 types of people is too much, particularly when you’re in the heat of a sales situation. You’ll never remember that much information, nor how to implement it. In order to make it easy, we’ll reduce this number down to just four types of people. These are called the four temperaments.
Once the four temperament are defined, we’ll look deeper at what makes them tick (their purpose in humanity), and what some of their common values are that makes them easy to pick out of crowd.
To make sure we’re able to identify them when we meet, we’ll lay out a checklist that we can quickly go through to place them in the correct personality temperament. This is called “typing” or “reading” another person. This part of the course is worth the investment alone, as it is of the most comprehensive way to categorize another human, and it is also the fastest and most accurate, even compared to having the client take a personality assessment.
Now that we understand the four temperaments, we’ll show you the two motivations that everyone uses to make a decision. From there, we’ll create the simple roadmap that sets up the entire sales situation and allows you to make sense of it all. You’ll see how exactly to generate rapport with any one of the four temperaments, and how you’ll present your offer to them in a way they see as logical.
We’ll also give you the exact sequence of steps to use to cause them to have an emotional response during the process. You’ll use that emotional response to get them off the fence to take the action of saying “yes” to your proposal.
Don’t worry about it being too radical in the approach you’re currently doing in sales. The only difference is a new approach towards the customer. We’ll be focusing on what they value. We’ll getting specific on how to find out what those values are, and how to align our offer with their values.
The most Customer-Centric Sales Methodology
This is the most customer centric approach to persuasion there is, because you’ll be talking to them about what they value the most. It is comfortable for both them, and for you as a salesperson. That is what makes it so easy to implement. There is no hard selling, which we’d define as trying to force our own values onto the customers. Here, we’re using the customer’s own values, which makes it soft, simple and smart.
This course does have the strategy for using personality, but you’ll get the exact step-by-step tactics to take, so that you don’t have to guess on how to implement it into your sales process.
This course comes with the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee. If you do not learn a new approach to persuasion, please ask for your money back. But I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the outcome you’ll get by using the material in this course. It is proven, and is the future of how we treat our clients.
What’s not in the course?
In this course, we will not be talking about other personality systems, like the Big-5 method, OCEAN, DISC, the cognitive function, social styles, behavioral styles, or Enneagram. The reason is that each of these can be confusing because their definitions of the trait dimensions or how they define the four temperaments, lack the clarity necessary in order to type other people quickly. While we do use the Myers-Briggs system, we do have to make some clarifications to some of the definitions that they system uses to describe the preferences. If you can’t identify the personalities of your prospects quickly and accurately, how will you know which approach to take to persuade them.
You won\’t be taking a personality assessment, like MBTI, or some other type indicator either. The reason is you can\’t expect your customer to take one when you meet them, so why devote the time to that task.
Where other courses on personality talk extensively about behavior, this course ignores it for a specific reason. Behavior is defined as consistent actions that are repeated over time. That means it takes a long time to establish a pattern, because of the observation time required. We need a faster way to establish their personality than what observing behavior allows. That’s why behavior is ignored.I felt it is important to tell you what is not in this course, so you can compare it to others, and see why this one is different and worth your investment of time and resources. If you have to pick just one course on sales and persuasion, I think that this one will be the best one for you.